Saturday, January 3, 2009


EVENT PURPOSES A major mission for this company is to give portions of proceedings to organizations that exists to help the poor and homeless of our nation's capital. So that they can provide health care, food , clothing, affordable housing, job training, addiction treatment and counseling, to the poor , the elderly and individuals with mental illness that fought for our country. And don't forget our youth that needs guidance, leadership and support to keep them alive and out of jails. An additional reason for these events is to create an avenue for upcoming photographers, designers , stylists, models, and etc. to display their talents and get the exposure while participating in our events or fundraisers. Whether it's on a runway or a simple bake sale, each individual would get the opportunity to show their potential while participating in our promotional event. if you are interested in growing with this team and getting the exposure , skills and new experiences please feel free to email me back so that we can get together for a meeting of the minds so in which everyone in attendance will get the opportunity to meet one another and get to share their ideas

